Easter Bun Recipe (they are also called the ‘Empty Tomb Buns’)
After these have been baked, discover that there is an “Empty Tomb” in the center of each bun, along with some sweetness at the bottom – yum!!!
prepared yeast dough recipe or frozen crescent rolls Melted butter Large marshmallows Cinnamon White Sugar
Mix cinnamon and sugar in a bowl. Roll a marshmallow in melted butter and then in the cinnamon-sugar mixture. Enclose sugared marshmallow in a small amount of dough, sealing together well. After placing on cookie sheets, let the buns rise until almost doubled in size. Then bake for 10-12 minutes in a 350-375° F oven. Immediately remove buns from trays, especially if any of the sugary mixture has seeped out of any buns.
Prepared buns may be placed seam-side down on the tray for a smooth bun look.
seam-side up for a slightly rougher look like that of a rock. Seam-side up also helps to prevent more seepage of the sugary mixture.
Plain marshmallows (without melted butter and the cinnamon-sugar mixture) may also be placed in the dough. Without butter, the dough is easier to seal.
Symbolism connected to the Recipe
• Marshmallow - body of Jesus
• Butter and cinnamon-sugar mixture – the oil and spices Jesus’ body was anointed with
• Dough – the tomb
• Cavity in bun – the empty tomb
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